

Automotive compute platforms responsible for hosting services such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Drive (AD) stacks require increasingly complex and more powerful systems for these demanding workloads. To aid with achieving the additional safety goals required in the automotive environment, these systems benefit from the addition of a Safety Island, a separate compute sub-system to help with functional and system monitoring.

This example shows how an AD software stack can be run in a compute environment composed of a high-performance Primary Compute platform coupled with a higher reliability Arm® Cortex®-R based Safety Island.

The Safety Island Actuation Demo features an Actuation Service application running on the Safety Island that receives inputs from the Primary Compute. In this reference implementation, the Primary Compute runs an Autoware pipeline, and the Actuation Service takes the form of a Zephyr application showcasing the Pure Pursuit algorithm from Autoware.Auto. The two communicate via Data Distribution Service (DDS) messages over a network interface.

The goal of the Actuation Service is to check the input messages and to generate actuation commands to be sent towards the actuators. A “Message Converter” Robot Operating System (ROS) package is created as part of this reference implementation, and is run on the Primary Compute, translating the message structure to improve readability by the Actuation Service.

The Actuation Demo git repository holds all the components necessary to run the demo, and provides helper scripts to build and run it.

In this instance, the Primary Compute is provided by an AVA Developer Platform from ADLINK, and the Safety Island function is hosted on an NXP S32Z Real-Time Processor development board.

Solution Architecture

High-level diagram:


Use Cases

  • Validation of communication: Validating that the communication between an Autoware pipeline (on the Primary Compute) and the Actuation Service (on the Safety Island) is working. It validates that the content of ROS2 messages from Autoware can be received and read by a non-ROS application running on Zephyr on a Cortex®-R CPU. It also validates the network connection between the two platforms.

  • Safe execution platform: Showing Autoware nodes running on an RTOS operating with the benefits of a Cortex®-R CPU.

  • Code porting example: Preserving the ROS interface to enable Autoware modules running within a different OS environment.


  • Autoware pipeline: The Autoware pipeline for the demo. More details can be found in Autoware pipeline.

  • Actuation Service: The Zephyr application of the Actuation Demo. More details can be found in Actuation Service.

  • Message Converter: The ROS package converting DDS message structures. More details can be found in Message Converter.

Repository Structure

The high-level structure of the actuation-demo repository is as follows:

  • actuation_packages: ROS packages used for the demo.

    • actuation_demos: Contains the launch script(s) of the available demo(s).

    • actuation_format_bag: Provides a helper tool to generate CSV files from rosbag data.

    • actuation_message_converter: Does the DDS message conversion.

    • actuation_msgs: Provides IDLC messages used in the demo(s).

    • actuation_player: Plays back recorded data as DDS messages.

  • autoware: Submodule targeting an upstream commit of the Autoware repository.

  • cyclonedds: Submodule targeting an upstream commit of the CycloneDDS repository.

  • Dockerfiles: Contains Dockerfile(s) to automate setting up containerized environments.

  • documentation: Directory that provides documentation for the actuation-demo repository.

  • packet_analyzer: Python based application running on the host validating Control Commands produced by the Actuation Service.

  • zephyr: Submodule targeting an upstream commit of the Zephyr repository.

  • zephyr_app: The Zephyr application providing the functionality of the Actuation Service.

Repository License

The software is provided under an Apache-2.0 license (more details in Apache License).

Contributions and Bug Reports

This project has not put in place a process for contributions or bug reports.

Feedback and support

To request support please contact Arm at support@arm.com. Arm licensees may also contact Arm via their partner managers.
