Actuation Player

The Actuation Player reads recorded trajectory and kinematic state files produced by actuation_format_bag. It sends their content as DDS messages.


This package follows the ROS2 package design. It can be built and tested by using colcon.


The Player can be launched by:

Usage: ./actuation_player [OPTIONS]
    -h, --help            Print this help message and exit
    -l, --loop            Run in a loop
    -d DIV, --divider DIV Divide the replay speed (floating point value)
    -p PATH, --path PATH  Path to the directory containing the recordings

The default target directory is “../share/” relative to the directory containing the executable.

The Player expects to find cyclonedds.xml in this default directory. It gets used as the CycloneDDS configuration file. To provide a different configuration file, set the CYCLONEDDS_URI environment variable to point to it.

The Player expects to find KinematicSate.csv and Trajectory.csv in the target directory. Use the “-p” option to change the target directory.


The unit test creates DDS participants around actuation_player to simulate the Pure Pursuit algorithm running in the Actuation Service. It reads the DDS messages from the Player and compares them against static expected data. It also checks for correct handling of incorrect input.