Packet Analyzer

The Packet Analyzer validates actuation commands it receives via TCP sockets against recorded reference commands.


The Actuation Service sends control commands to Packet Analyzer only when the Zephyr app is built with -b parameter of the build script.

High-level diagram:


The Actuation Service starts a TCP server that waits for a TCP Connect from the Packet Analyzer. When the Packet Analyzer connects to the Actuation Service, it sends control commands over a TCP socket. A python based tool is used to validate the same by comparing the commands with control commands stored in ControlCommand.csv. The Packet Analyzer does the following:

  • Initializes a TCP client

  • Connects to the TCP server started by the Actuation Service on port 49152

  • Looks for a sync control command to find the start of the packet chain (the first control command in ControlCommand.csv is used for this purpose)

  • Compares incoming control commands with control commands stored in ControlCommand.csv sequentially

  • Reports if a mismatch is found

  • Prints the statistics (Observed Frequency, Avg Jitter and Std Deviation) collected during the packet chain processing

The tool also checks the sec and nanosec fields in the incoming packet to see if the control commands are received in the same order they were sent.


The Packet Analyzer package needs python=3.8 on the host and contains pyproject.toml to manage build system requirements.


Please follow the steps below to install the package dependencies in a python virtual environment. This environment can then be used to launch the analyzer or the test module. Enter deactivate to exit the virtual environment.

cd packet_analyzer
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate .
pip install .


From the python virtual environment, the Packet Analyzer can be started by executing start_analyzer -a localhost.


The Packet Analyzer package has a testing module that can be used in the following ways:

  • manually by executing test_packet_analyzer -a localhost in another terminal from a python virtual environment as shown in Installation after starting the Packet Analyzer.

  • via python unittest by executing cd packet_analyzer && python -m unittest -v from a python virtual environment as show in Installation.


Both start_analyzer and test_packet_analyzer modules have command line options to enable loglevel, run the module in a loop or select the recording to use. Use --help to get more information on how to set these options.