Changelog & Release Notes



  • Removed Autoware submodule. The demo now relies on pre-compiled binaries.

  • Updated the Autoware Docker image from the old “autoware-universe” namespace to the new “autoware” one.


New Features

  • Added new components to the repository. They allow creating a lighter deployment of the Safety Island Actuation Demo, without running the Autoware pipeline on the Primary Compute and using a recording of the messages instead.

    • An Actuation Player component that reads back recorded messages and sends them as DDS messages.

    • A Packet Analyzer that validates actuation commands against reference ones.

Third-party repositories

name:   autoware
branch: release/2023.10
commit: 78e5f575b258598e6460e6f04cc00211e7e7e604

name:   cyclonedds
branch: master
commit: f7688ce709e53f408e30706ebc27bd052c03d693

name:   zephyr
branch: main
commit: 339cd5a45fd2ebba064ef462b71c657336ca0dfe

name:   meta-ewaol
branch: kirkstone-dev


  • Simplified and improved the steps of the user guide to reproduce the demo.

    • New Dockerfile to simplify the reproduce steps for the user.

    • Steps using the IDE to flash the development board replaced with using a command line interface.

  • Updated the version of third party repositories.

    • Autoware updated to the 2023.10 release, which updates the underlying ROS2 version from Galactic to Humble.

    • Zephyr updated to the 3.5.0 release. The targeted commit is ahead of the release in order to include patches providing better support for the S32Z board.

    • CycloneDDS updated to support the latest Zephyr version.

  • Started using distinct ROS domain IDs for the Autoware pipeline on the Primary Compute and the Actuation Service on the Safety Island.


  • A devicetree overlay zephyr_app/boards/s32z270dc2_rtu0_r52.overlay is used to set the MAC address of the NXP S32Z270DC2_R52 board. This is done as a workaround as the NXP S32Z270DC2_R52 platform uses the same MAC address for every build (issue tracked in Zephyr Project#61478).

  • The AVA Developer Platform and S32Z need to be on the same sub-network.

  • Rendering issues with the rviz2 program used by the Autoware demo have been observed on specific GPU and driver combinations. In particular, machines with NVIDIA Optimus technology have been seen to error with libGL error: failed to create drawable lines leading to a crash of the program. There are no known workarounds apart from using a different machine to do the render.

Known Issues


Resolved Issues

  • The known issue of the 1.0 release requiring to re-flash the demo after each run has been resolved.

  • Official support has been added to Zephyr for the S32 Debug Probe. The need for launching the S32 Design Studio IDE and the workaround involving user action to set system registers to the correct value have been removed.


New Features

  • First release.

    • Pure Pursuit as the Zephyr application, autoware.universe as the main pipeline.

Third-party repositories

name:   autoware
branch: main
commit: 3a9bbd0142b453563469b8a3a6d232e98a51280a

name:   cyclonedds
branch: master
commit: 87b31771ad4dda92afccc6ad1cb84cb7f752b66b

name:   zephyr
branch: main
commit: 07c6af3b8c35c1e49186578ca61a25c76e2fb308

name:   meta-ewaol
branch: kirkstone-dev


  • Initial release.


  • No official support for the NXP S32 Debug Probe to debug the S32Z board.

  • The AVA Developer Platform and S32Z need to be on the same sub-network.

Known Issues

  • The S32Z board needs to be flashed before each run of the demo. Issue tracked in CycloneDDS#1682.